Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Daniel Snaith, better known as Caribou, formerly known as Manitoba until a lawsuit by musician Richard “Handsome Dick” Manitoba, recently played New York City’s Bowery Ballroom. Below is Wikinews reporter David Shankbone’s conversation with the electronica pioneer.
David Shankbone: How is the tour going?
DS: How do European and American audiences compare to each other?
DS: But they are more electronic in Europe than they are here, right?
DS: You reach the same fans in each place?
DS: Do you play to larger audiences over there or here?
DS: Do you have a favorite venue?
DS: What would be a dream venue to play?
DS: Is there a continent you haven’t played where you would like to?
DS: Rio or São Paulo?
DS: How has the Iraq War affected you as an artist?
DS: Has it affected you as a person?
DS: Do you find you’re more inspired by manmade things or things in nature?
DS: What sort of ideas inspire you?
DS: Would you consider your music to be mathematical?
DS: Do you have a favorite mathematician or unsolved mathematical problem?
DS: What’s a trait you deplore in other people?
DS: What’s a trait you deplore in yourself?
DS: You think that might be a negative?
DS: That’s a challenge for any human of whether or not to pursue something you think is a greater good or indulge yourself. How do you wrestle with that question?
DS: Well, we need music in this world and if people are responding to it, you’re giving something to them.
DS: Maybe. [Laughs] Hillary or Barack?
DS: What do you think of Gordon Brown?
DS: What would be a bigger turn-off for you in bed, someone who was overly flatulent, or someone who spoke in a baby voice?
DS: Do you have a favorite curse word?
DS: Favorite euphemism for breasts?
DS: If you had to choose between the destruction of the entire continent of Africa or the entire continent of Asia, which would you choose?
DS: What are traits you respect in a woman?
DS: It doesn’t differ in men?
DS: What’s your most treasured possession?
DS: Any favorite films?
DS: What difficult question in an interview do you anticipate but are never asked?
DS: What question are you tired of answering?
DS: In the last year, where have you drawn most of your influence, and you can’t have been listening to them beyond a year ago.