Inventive Short Dollhouse Furniture: Design Points}

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Inventive Short Dollhouse Furniture: Design Points


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Basics of Dollhouse Wallpaper

Wallpaper is the worlds best invention, right up there with glue and nails. It really does save a lot of time to put wallpaper up especially if you have done it before. There are many websites online that will give you some great ideas and options with dollhouse wallpaper. If you are looking to save even more time there are wallpaper sheet specifically for dollhouses that are made in small cuts for easy installation. Don’t forget, because you are looking for such a small portion you can even print your own wallpaper design. Simply open a word document and create a pattern that will look great for your dollhouse and presto, homemade wallpaper Scrap booker’s will have all the necessary materials for you as well, so if you know anyone or if you are a scrap booker yourself look at your collection of paper and I am sure that something will work. So go ahead, create unique, personalized wallpaper that matches your design, furniture, and dollhouse kit

Designing by Mood


The mood of the room should be a designers motivation and no other, it is the mood that dictates color and furniture, and not the other way around. A mood is the purpose of the room, the reason that it exists. One example of a mood is the dining room should be a place of meeting, where people can relax and talk to one another. Another example would be a bedroom, which is more personal, intimate, and is directly affected by the personality of the resident. Just as houses are dictated by mood, a great dollhouse should as well. To tap into your mood settings, think about the purpose of the room, why it is their, and what designs, colors, furniture, would better suit that mood. When you tap into the mood you will know it, and the design of the room will just fall in place as if it was meant to be there all along.

Contrasting your Colors: Making things Pop

The definition of a contrast is two distinct or different items that draw attention to one another. In this fashion you can generate movement of the eye from one area to another, or concentrate the focus of a room on one particular aspect. If you are planning to use color as your primary medium for contrast then refer to a color wheel – the colors opposite from one another will bring the most contrast. Using contrast in a room, is like using salt with food, you use to much and you get overwhelmed quickly. In order to prevent yourself from creating a mess, focus on setting up one contrasting element in the room and no more.

Designing the Outside of Your Dollhouse Kit

The outside of the dollhouse has as much do to with the appeal, if not more, than the inside design. You will want to focus on the most eye attracting points first: The paint and the shingles. When you are setting up your dollhouse apply a good three coats of good craft paint to your dollhouse. The shingles should be died and applied carefully using a ruler to assure that the lines are straight. There are many other ways to enjoy an attractive exterior; most of them are through accessories like dog houses, or gazebos. You can even have some small flower pots to place in the window seals. Lighting is another addition that will really help the look of the outside features. Lights on exterior are commonly found on the porch, but you can place them pretty much wherever you would like to.

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Inventive Short Dollhouse Furniture: Design Points }